File-based Configuration

Rotonda 0.2 should normally run as a daemon, and a configuration file is required using the -c option. This may change for future versions of Rotonda.

If you’ve installed Rotonda through a package manager, a simple configuration file is included in /etc/rotonda/rotonda.conf.

If you’ve installed Rotonda with cargo install, you will have to supply a configuration yourself. Sample configurations can be found in the /etc directory of the github repository of Rotonda.

The /etc/rotonda/rotonda.conf configuration file that comes with the packaged version of Rotonada will listen for BMP streams from routers on all interfaces, on port 11019. You will probably want to edit that.

File Structure

Global configuration happens in a file that by convention is called rotonda[.DESCRIPTION].conf, e.g. a there is file called rotonda.example.conf, that describes an example configuration.

This file must be in TOML format and is structured as follows:

  • global settings

  • 1 or more connectors

  • 0 or more RIBs

  • 1 or more targets

Global Settings


The “<IP ADDRESS>:<PORT>” to listen on for incoming HTTP requests.

response_compression (optional)

Whether or not to GZIP compress responses if the client expresses support for it (via the HTTP “Accept-Encoding: gzip” request header). Set to false to completely disable GZIP response compression.

Default: true

log_level (optional)

The detail level of the logging messages. This affects the number of log messages, as well as the detail within one message.

possible values, in order of the leve of detail, are: ["error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"]

Default: warn

log_target (optional)

The output that log messages are sent to.

Possible values are: [stderr, files, syslog]

Default: stderr

log_facility (optional)

If the log_target is set to syslog, this setting is used to set the facility used by the syslog mechanism.

Possible values are: [ daemon ]

Default: daemon

log_file (optional)

If the log_target is set to files, this is the path to the file that is used to store log messages.

Default: ./rotonda.log