

This target writes logged entries to a file on disk.

Configuration Options

An example file-out target configuration looks like:

type = "file-out"
filename = "/tmp/rotonda.log"
sources = "bmp-in"
format = "json"
type (mandatory)

This must be set to file-out for this type of target.

filename (mandatory)

The destination file on the filesystem to write log entries to. If the file does not exist, it is created. If it exists, it will be overwritten.

sources (mandatory)

The source Rotonda unit for this target.

format (mandatory)

This is one of json, json-min (JSON with empty values omitted) or csv.


This target publishes JSON events to an MQTT broker via a TCP connection.


The MQTT broker is not part of Rotonda, it is a separate service that must be deployed and operated separately to Rotonda.

This target ONLY accepts input data that:

  • Was received from a configured upstream source unit.

  • Was emitted by a Roto script output stream via the Log handle.

Currently, emitted entries are non-customizable JSON objects, with different objects for different Log type entries.

Configuration Options

The mqtt-out component can be defined in the Rotonda configuration file, like this:

type = "mqtt-out"

where <NAME> is the name of the component. This must be ‘mqtt’ for now.

type (mandatory)

This must be set to mqtt-out for this type of target.

sources (mandatory)

An [“array”, “of”, “upstream”, “unit”, “names”] from which data will be received.

destination (mandatory)

A “host:port” string specifying the host or IP address of an MQTT broker to connect to. If the “:port” part is omitted the IANA registered MQTT port number [3] 1883 will be used. Note: Only unencrypted TCP connections are supported, i.e. TLS and WS are not supported.

client_id (optional)

A unique name to identify the client to the server in order to hold state about the session. If empty the server will use a clean session and assign a random name to the client. Servers are required to support names upto 23 bytes in length but may support more.

Default: “”

qos (optional)

MQTT quality-of-service setting for determining how many times a message can be delivered:

  • 0 (at most once)

  • 1 (at least once)

  • 2 (exactly once)

Higher values require more synchronization with the broker leading to lower throughput but greater reliability/correctness.

Default: 2

queue_size (optional)

The number of messages that can be buffered for delivery to the MQTT broker.

Default: 1000

connect_retry_secs (optional)

The number of seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect to the MQTT broker if the connection is lost.

Default: 60

publish_max_secs (optional)

The number of seconds to wait before timing out an attempt to publish a message to the MQTT broker.

Default: 5

topic_template (optional)

A “string” template that will be used to determine the MQTT topic to which events will be published. If present, the “{id}” placeholder will be replaced by the “topic” value in the incoming Record value. When using “{id}” an MQTT client that supports MQTT wildcards can still receive all events by subscribing to ‘rotonda/#’ for example.

Default: “rotonda/{id}”

username (optional)

A “string” username for login to the MQTT broker.

password (optional)

A “string” password for login to the MQTT broker.


This target discards everything it receives.

Rotonda requires that there always be at least one target. Using this target allows you to run Rotonda without any output at the east-side of the pipeline.

Configuration Options

The null-out component can be defined in the Rotonda configuration file, like this:

type = "null-out"

where <NAME> is the name of the component, to be referenced in the value of the sources field in a receiving component.

type (mandatory)

This must be set to null-out for this type of target.

source (mandatory)

The upstream unit from which data will be received.