
The HTTP API offers endpoints for interacting with and monitoring Rotonda at runtime:

GET /status

Human readable application status information.

GET /bmp-routers/

Base path. Use the http_api_path configuration setting for the corresponding bmp-tcp-in component to change this URL.

GET /bmp-routers/<ROUTER_ID>

This endpoint outputs information about the specified router if it is currently connected to the unit.

A HTML table showing all currently monitored routers and some basic information about them.

Three different forms of router ID are supported:


  • [sysName], OR

  • [populated router_id_template]


<ROUTER_ID> The id of the router to query information about.

GET /prefixes/<IP_ADDR_PART>/<PREFIX_LENGTH>[?includeMoreSpecifics|includeLessSpecifics]

The RIB in the pipeline can be queried for prefixes with these URLs.

GET /mrt/<MRT_UNIT_NAME>/queue?file=<FILENAME>

When configured with an update_path, a mrt-file-in can be instructed to add a file to its processing queue.


<FILENAME> The path to an .mrt (or .gz, .bz2) file to be queued, relative to the configured update_path. The path may contain (relative) subdirectories, but the resulting file must reside under the configured update_path. For example, configured with update_path=my_mrt_files, /queue?file=2025/01/30/updates1.mrt